Textile, Footwear and Leather are Mediterranean traditional sectors, with an annual estimated global turnover of more than €280 billion and 2.7 million employees working mainly in MSMEs which account for 90% of the industry. During the last decades, these sectors have been affected by the economic slowdown and a very strong competition from Asia. These Mediterranean traditional sectors are under threat if they do not quickly renew their business models. Unable to compete in price or volume, the main challenges for them are product and process innovation, the establishment of new business models and the creation of business sustainable alliances to strengthen the value chains. CRE@CTIVE will address these challenges. In particular, the project is aimed at boosting creativity as a key aspect for increasing economic opportunities of the MSMEs by creating links between the traditional sectors and the creative industries (crafts, design, culture, etc). As a result, creative innovation will upgrade the products and will improve their positioning, making them more competitive in the global markets.
To foster value chains and business alliances among MSMEs in Mediterranean textile, footwear and leather sectors in order to encourage the creation of new products and business growth, by building bridges between these sectors and the creative industry.
What will be improved?
CRE@CTIVE will strengthen transnational innovation networks, clusters and value chains. It will create new jobs, drive efficient resource use and accelerate the process of generating, diffusing and applying innovative ideas, concepts and business models. Tangible solutions for target groups will be provided, in particular for young people and women, but also for the society at large. Concretely, thanks to CRE@CTIVE, 16 new business alliances will be supported directly to establish new market opportunities; and, at least 24 new direct long-term jobs will be created through direct participation in the project pilot start-ups, via sub-grants that will give the opportunity to set up new businesses based on innovative approaches.
Who will benefit?
MSMEs of the Mediterranean textile, footwear and leather sectors
Culturally and Creatively engaged Individuals (artists, designers, artisans, etc.)
Creative Hubs
Local Public Authorities
Local Communities which will be engaged in the innovation processes
Final consumers who will benefit from product innovation