- The Green Impact MED Project – Positive Investments for Positive Impacts (GIMED) is a EU-funded project under the ENI-CBC Med Programme aiming at supporting green entrepreneurs to better access finance and market in the Mediterranean.
- The project will provide trainings, coaching sessions, capacity building workshops and sub-grants to consolidate green business creation and green business development.
- 400 entrepreneurs in 5 Mediterranean countries will benefit from GIMED’s support
The development of a green economy in the Mediterranean area to combat environmental degradation represents a great opportunity for jobs creation, particularly for young graduates and women who are three times less likely to be employed than men. Strengthening eco-innovative entrepreneurship is a recognised solution even though green ventures face a complex set of challenges including limited access to funding, underdeveloped markets and fragmented support from sector stakeholders.
Entrepreneurs admit to being unprepared and poorly supported with regard to access to finance and access to markets. In view of this lack of information, knowledge and skills, a European project has been created: GIMED.
GIMED’s main goal is to support entrepreneurs, particularly young and women, to better access to finance and markets in 5 Mediterranean countries: Spain, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Italy. On the ground, the project will train and coach eco-innovators and encourage financiers to invest in the Mediterranean eco-innovation sector.
To this end, 200 coaching sessions on access to finance and markets will be held, 200 capacity building initiatives dedicated to entrepreneurs on eco-design and green business modelling will be organised and 8 sub-grants per countries will be awarded to consolidate the business creation and grow.
GIMED has therefore been promoted to meet these needs and will be implemented by 6 partners, distributed among several countries in the Mediterranean basin: Agència de Residus de Catalunya – SCP/RAC (Spain) – Berytech Foundation (Lebanon) – Leaders Organisation (Palestine )- Conect (Tunisia) – Alexandria Business Association (Egypt) – Fondazione di Comunità cittá di Messina (Italy).
Agència de Residus de Catalunya-SCP/RAC (Spain) is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the project and will particularly manage the development of the tools for the capacity building workshops, coaching sessions for access to finance and markets.
The project in numbers:
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 01 September 2019
End date: 31 August 2022
Main source of funding: European Union (ENI CBC Med Programme)
Additional information:
Instagram: @gimed_project
Twitter: @GreenImpactMed