Destination Emploi : Strengthen training and employment to promote the socio-economic inclusion of young Tunisians in the responsible and sustainable tourism sector.

Destination Emploi : Strengthen training and employment to promote the socio-economic inclusion of young Tunisians in the responsible and sustainable tourism sector.

Job Destination is a project aimed at enhancing the employability of young Tunisians and fostering their socio-economic integration through the development of responsible and sustainable tourism. It focuses on the regions of Aïn Draham, Djerba, Monastir, and Tozeur, with particular attention to youth, women, and vulnerable groups.

The project revolves around professional qualification, skill redeployment, and the creation of employment opportunities. It offers tailored training programs, placement initiatives, mobility schemes, and support for entrepreneurship, while also encouraging better coordination between public and private stakeholders.

By supporting skill development and fostering innovation, the project contributes to the growth of a sustainable tourism sector and the improvement of local economic prospects, providing concrete alternatives to irregular migration.


October 2024 – October 2026




 Donor: Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

Partners: AVSI Foundation, Oxfam Italy, Oxfam Novib, Italian Association for Responsible Tourism, LUISS Guido Carli,Free International University for Social Studies, Tunisian Federation of Hospitality


€1m – €5m