4T: Trans Tunisia Trekking Trail for Diversified Tourism Offerings in Tunisia

4T: Trans Tunisia Trekking Trail for Diversified Tourism Offerings in Tunisia

The Trans-Tunisia Trail project aims to develop and promote a more sustainable and alternative form of tourism in Tunisia, which is otherwise known as a mere beach holiday destination. Specifically, the project will develop hiking routes that contribute to the diversification of the country’s tourism offerings and creation of employment within the inner regions.

While not necessarily new to tourism, Tunisia has long excelled at managing tourists at a scale. The destination, however, can really benefit from learning to deal with solo travellers, culture enthusiasts, adventure buffs, and domestic tourists.

As such, through the Trans-Tunisia Trail, we hope to attract more domestic and international travellers through experiences that reduce the environmental impact of mass tourism and ensure the benefits trickle down through engaging local communities, increasing the number of operating MSMEs, and creating more jobs as a result.


October 2022 – September 2023




The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), European Union, and Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


< €1m
